Monday, August 08, 2011


After using blogger again I remembered how much I hated it so this blog is ALREADY moving over to wordpress...

Here is the link:

Sorry for the inconvenience, and some of the posts will be being transfered however some of them are going to just disappear.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

My Goal.

So since I am writing this blog even though I just started the question of "what the hell is your end goal?".
Well I am going to continue to give my opinion and whine and complain. Thats what I do best!

Honestly I would love to link into other sites but for now I will try and begin to show what I can do!

Anyway enough real life drama, NOW BACK TO THE SHOW!!!


So until the first time I decided to run a warfront on rift....well I HATED PVP!
I failed SOOOOO  bad at it... I was a mage in wow and just gave up.

But now I LOVE IT!

Here is what I do to enjoy it:

Normally I will jump in and use a heal spec set with as many instant hots as I can garden is the best for this...

Get everyone buffed up and get ready....choose 1 person who you are going to start with put Orbs of the Stream on them and healing stream, then GO!

head straight to the center just after you go done the hill and once you get to the edge of it (everyone seems to love clumping up here) pop Tidal Surge and Healing Flood.

If its they stay clumped keep pushing until you drop to around 45% Mana, then start "raid healing' tossing single target HOT's on players who need it.

Play, Rinse, Repeat!!!

Even though I already posted it here is my current standing in PVP @ level 20 (day  2 of leveling this toon)


So here is the first round of Screens for you!

This first screen is My guilds perks!

My current spec!

My current stats!
That's the way I look! WOOT!


The "MEAT" of the blog.

So I have added a couple filler posts (I know cheating) since I just started this blog but there are a couple of MAJOR issues that I have been reading about on the Official Rift Forums and I wanted to share them and my thoughts on them:

1) Housing
2) Flying Mounts
3) Armory
4) Bugs

1) Character Housing:
This is a major issue to alot of people and I honest hope that we NEVER get it. I have seen it cause way too many issues in other games. It takes away from the major cities and in the long run just takes up more room than it is worth.

Some of the opposition will say how it condenses other things (AH, Repair, Vendors, PVP, etc) I would personally pound my face into my monitor if it got added because I LIKE walking around Meridian and seeing lots of people, QQ my FPS are 5! SO WHAT! Mine are at 9! LOL get over it! The idea of an MMO is COMMUNITY!

The only way I would ever agree to this is if instead of Character Housing it was Guild Housing!

This would give everyone who wants housing a little taste but lets not add everything in the city, lets just add things like mounted heads on the wall from all the downed bosses that show progression, and lets have a guild banker and a banker but beyond that....walk down the nice little courtyard and train use the AH etc!

2) Flying mounts:
No......just no!

Dont get me wrong when I was flying around in WOW on an Epic Flyer I felt the status that it gave, but then they even ruined that! $25 bucks for a Celestial Warhorse? WTH!?

This topic honestly adds a little bit to the one above, if I am at max level and I have my epic flyer I am going to be above the city not kick'n it in a shop or hanging out next to the PVP vendors (like I normally do EVEN THOUGH I am only level 20! HA HA!).

Another MAJOR issue to me is the fact that Trion would have to make things JUST for the flying mounts....why waste the resources SOOOO early on? With WOW even BC was a bit too early and to me showed why it wasn't the best idea in the world!

IDK if they decide to add flyers I hope we get at least 2 expansions deep first...or about 2 years which ever comes first...

3) Armory:
OK so this is one that I have seen go both ways since Rift came out... There are quite a few posts about it and it continues to be a very heated topic of debate.

It would allow you to view what gear you have an any upgrades so that you can find best in slot.
You can share it with others to have them gaze upon your glorious EPICS!

Guild Masters/Leads can use it to decide if you can get into a guild/raid or not.
ANYONE could see it.

I honestly hope to see a version of an Armory (very similar to WOW's) in the future. I would like though to have the same kind of privacy options that you do with like say Facebook, so that people cant just perv on your toons.

Honestly beyond that I hope they just add to the features that wow has right now...I would like to see things like an ability to add screenshots and videos, a way to chat to people in-game, etc.

I honestly though hope that before ANYTHING else they fix our last topic:

Ok so I personally have dealt with more bugs in the span of 2 days (how long I have been playing current toon) than I have the entire time that I was on AOC (7 day trial).

THIS IS PATHETIC! I was talking to my guild (side note WOO HOO I HAVE GUILDIES AGAIN!) and it sounds like half of the raids they have done are BEYOND F'ed because of BUGS and it has been that way...(I would like to not as well another good place to hear about these are GBTV) for a FAR too long...SO I hope anyone reading this decides to do the following:

1) KEEP ON TRION! if we keep asking for them to fix something EVERY TIME we have an issue they will begin to see how many people are QQ'ing about it and fix it!!! Hmm imagine that! HA!

Anyway this is my first RELEVANT! posts! TA DA!!!

Q&A With IRL Jasmine

This afternoon I had the chance to discuss a few things with someone I like to listen to on a weekly Basis.

Every Tuesday I pop onto Gamebreaker and watch The Sanctum.

It keeps me in the loop and entertains me when I am not in game. It has a three people who discuss what Trion is doing and what else is going on opinions etc. So today I ended up getting a few questions that I felt were relevant answered from one of the hosts IRLJasmine.

I was very excited in doing so even though it felt a little n00bish to actually care long enough to listen to the ridiculous questions (can i see your boobs! OMG PLEASE!) seriously DUMB questions...

I was very surprised at how quick and honest and how intelligent the answers were given (chat room with maybe 30 second delay) and was very happy to listen to all of the good (not personal) gaming relevant questions that were asked.

I will be continuing to listen in and be entertained and I hope you it is checked out!

Here is one of the Episodes from

As well as the Q&A from IRLJasmine:

Watch live video from irljasmine on Justin.tvI would like to Thank IRLJasmine for taking the time!

My personal gaming news for today!

So here is some starting and intro news as of today...

I joined the guild "Genocide" (no server going to be listed!)
DING!!! Lvl 20 (at 24 hrs)

Thats my personal news. So I am also going to include a screen!

**please note I like that pic A lvl 20 pic to follow!**

Welcome to Kblaze2007's MMOs

Here is a bit of background for you before I really delve into the MEAT of why I made this blog.

I have been gaming on consoles since I was 5 years old and then moved to PC at 12 years old. I Have been playing MMO's since EQ was still popular.

MMOs I have played:
AOC, WOW, EQ1&2, SWG, Rift, FF11&14, LOL.

All of that being said here is what you are going to see here on my little blog of blah blah blah.

I will be adding posts of the latest and greatest Rift news, In-depth strats for endgame raiding, Screens and OTHER RANDOM Bulls**t.

Please stand by as I begin adding content over the next week!